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Singapore intelligent glazing invention can change its color according to the li

  • Hits:356次
  • Posttime:2019-11-29

According to Malaysia, "Sin Chew Daily" reported that Singapore researchers have recently expressed an invention smart windows, can become opaque without the need for power, or become completely transparent.

Reported that, with this glass windows produced during the day can be transformed into a blue, a decrease of approximately 50% light transmission level, in the evening you can restore the transparent state.

Nanyang Technological University researchers explain, change the cause of smart glass is a chemical effect, if the power supply is connected, where a piece of glass on the paint pigment will produce chemical effects and oxygen, the color blue glass. When the opposite happens, the glass will restore colorless transparent state.

Researchers also noted that this is actually a smart windows rechargeable battery, the stored energy can make LED lights, and other electronic products with low power consumption light.

Currently, almost all the windows available in the market use permanent coloring, so the night hours can not be translucent, or require a external power source to change the degree of light transmission.

NTU researchers noted that this innovative technology can significantly reduce the penetration of light into the interior of the building, thereby reducing the cost of building temperature control and lighting equipment in these two areas. South believe, want to build environmentally friendly green building developers will certainly use this new technology.

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