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Swedish company to develop solar glass house

  • Hits:323次
  • Posttime:2019-11-29

Swedish energy company SolTechEnergy invented a solar glass, building materials, can effectively use the light, so that interior generate heat. According DigitalTrend reported, SolTechEnergy solar glass tiles Unlike cement or asphalt roofs, allowing sunlight to penetrate the past, and then capture the sunlight by a black nylon cloth under the energy after conversion, will be able to form a warm indoor space and can circulating air, but the process was by means of the energy generated by the heating system in the house. Black nylon glass tiles except under sunlight, also played outside the line of sight of the function block.

In the summer, glass tiles will absorb the incoming sunlight, convert to the floor fluid-based heating system, can also help cool the house. Solar glass tiles would come out recently, if you do not like the transparent roof, you can also choose solar glass walls, the technical principles and solar roof almost.

Solar glass building materials are branches OxfordPV developed at Oxford University, claiming to change the world the way to use solar energy, they will be installed on the solar cell made of glass walls, the development team expressed its intention to use glass building materials to consumers, just add a small fee , you can use solar power technology they provide.

Architectural glass panel wall can be used with a variety of colors, while the blue color is one of the lowest efficiency. OxfordPV team will allow the commercialization of this technology, it can be applied in almost all buildings. If it turns out that the alleged new technology such as the development team is relatively cheap, and can make buildings more efficient in generating green energy, we should soon be able to see both environmentally friendly and colorful glass building.

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