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US invention, glass paper, printing waste problem to solve

  • Hits:379次
  • Posttime:2019-11-29

In order to practice conservation, we are using both sides of the paper, but even so, a piece of paper can only be used twice, is there any way to make paper repeatedly use it? Recently, the University of California, Riverside campus chemists invented a new material repeated use of "paper", you can use a special printer repeated printing.

This "paper" was made into a film with glass and plastic, it can be wiped off by heating the original text. Companies need to print the meeting agenda and other text, you can save about three days time after printing. When you need to reprint, only need 115 degrees centigrade to clean up the environment after heating, less than 10 minutes can be buttoned.

R & D personnel revealed that the printed word maintaining high resolution within three days is not a problem, for printing without long-term preservation of documents. They are studying the creation of reused 100 times are not distorted "recycled paper" will save in the end!

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